JFK Track and Field

Final Forms registration is open from January 29th until March 24th!  This gives you ample time to sign up for tryouts, take care of out-date-physicals, and address medication issues.  Please be prompt!  If you have registered for another sport at JFK via Final Forms, your registration WILL NOT automatically transfer to track and field!  You must select track and field via Final Forms.
All perspective student-athletes need an up-to-date physical on file with our school nurses prior to tryouts.  No physical, no tryout!  Final Forms is the registration platform, and all icons, with the exception of the participation fee, need to have green icons. Any medical issues need to be listed in Final Forms. Runners with Inhalers need to carry them at all times.  Runners with Epi Pens need to carry them  at all times, and a valid self-administer order for Epi Pens needs to be signed by a doctor and on file with our school  nurses. If there is not a valid and current Epi Pen self-administer order on file with our school nurses, you cannot participate until this issue is amended.  If students do not have their inhalers and/or Epi Pens on their person, they will not be allowed to practice or run in a meet and will have to be picked up by a parent or guardian.  Students are responsible for bringing these medications with them.  Please reinforce with them that they have a routine to ensure that these medications are with them for tryouts, practices, and meets. These medications are part of the uniform as it were, and need to be carried during practices and meets ON THEIR PERSON.  Please invest in a good quality waist pack that can accommodate said medications easily. 
(Please highlight the above link and paste into your search bar so it becomes a live link.  This is a link to Final Forms registration! Students SHOULD NOT use their Enfield Public School email address as they WILL NOT GET notifications from their coaches via Final Forms!  Please use a personal email address!)
If you are part of our drama production, you will not be able to participate in track and field.  Rehearsal times for our school play conflict with practices and meets.  
If you missed the February meeting, track and field handouts will be available outside of my room, G-415 by the library.
The coaching staff expects that all students follow instructions when given the first time, are respectful to said staff and fellow students, do not misbehave, follow safety protocols, respect our opponents and guests, behave in school, have decent grades, and foster positivity at all times.  You represent the coaching staff, JFK, and the Enfield Community.  We will except nothing less than your excellent behavior.  “Please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” are our favorite words.  Sportsmanship is also expected.  Respect and congratulate your competition and your teammates no matter what.
Middle school track and field running events are FAST!  It is amazing what we have seen in terms of performance times in recent years.  Speed and endurance are key for this sport, and practices will be hard.  The best way to prepare is to start getting your conditioning up two months prior to tryouts.  PLEASE make sure you do this!  We can tell who has conditioned and who has not!  
JFK Track and Field tryouts will be held at the Annex.  Perspective student-athletes that attended our February meeting, and those that sought out the coaching staff if they did not attend, have all received paperwork pertaining to expectations for tryouts as well as information on how to register on Final Forms.
2024 tryouts start on March 25th.  There is no practice on March 29th (Good Friday).  
You will board Bus 15 at 2:36 PM.  You will have already changed at the end of Period 7.  Everything must come with you to the Annex.  That includes your school work, street clothes, water, snacks, all of it!   I will be there to greet you.  There is no bus back to JFK.  Pick up is at 4:30 PM at the Annex.
If you make the team, practices and meets take priority over school clubs.  Please reach out to your club advisor in order to stay involved in your club’s activities, etc.  Practice is Monday through Friday expect for school holidays, April break, and early release days.  We do not practice on the weekends.
The tryouts will last four days starting on March 28th. Pick up will be at the Annex at 4:30 PM by a parent or legal guardian.   THERE IS NO BUS BACK TO JFK FOR STUDENTS IN THE ERFC PROGRAM!  Uber is not a pick up option for middle schoolers and will not be allowed.  Individuals who walk excessively during tryouts or do not follow instructions or do not display a commitment to task will not qualify for the team. 
Those that qualify for the team will then practice at the Annex starting on April 1st.  Those that do not qualify for the team will be told in person or via email if they wish. Bus transportation is available from JFK to the Annex.
Please feel free to email me with any questions!
Coach Zawodniak  ([email protected])

[email protected]

Coach Zawodniak was the head coach of the JFK Cross Country team from 1999 to 2022.  He was an assistant track and field coach from 2000-2007 at Enfield High.  He has been coaching JFK Track and Field since 2014.
Coach Cerpovicz is an avid runner and is also the assistant cross country coach at Enfield High School.  She has been coaching JFK Track and Field since 2014. 
I started coaching at JFK about 15+ years ago for Soccer. I Coached Track and Field for a couple seasons at JFK. The last few years I coached the EHS track team. I have worked with athletes in many different events within Track and Field. My goal is for athletes to have fun and improve their skill in their individual events. I’m excited to Coach Track and Field at JFK to build our program to transition athletes from the middle to the high school Team. I love to jog every day. Go Patriots!


JFK Track and Field Tryout Expectations
Student-athletes must have an up-to-date physical posted on Final Forms prior to tryouts. There will be no exceptions. Students who miss the deadline will not be allowed to try out. Our season is extremely short, and training must begin immediately as we do not have supervised training in early March for track and field.
Students cut from another sport will not be allowed to try out for track and field. Students cannot try out for track and field at the same time as another sport like baseball or softball as those tryouts run concurrently with track and field tryouts. If students are on the ineligibility list due to academics, they cannot try out for track and field. Eligibility is only regained in the following quarter with proof of academic growth, and our season will have already started.  An overall C- average for all classes is required as per district policy.
 Track and field is a COMPETITIVE INTERSCHOLASTIC sport. It is not a fitness club. We are looking for individuals with a desire to compete at a high-level who possess qualities needed for running, jumping, and throwing prior to the tryouts. There is no time to condition individuals who have never run before or who have not run distance in several months. Running confidence is built up over a long period of time (two months minimum with consistent training) and requires dedicated and focused training. Jumping and throwing events for track and field have specific mechanics that will be taught to those who show prowess.
Track and field is looking for student-athletes who show aptitude in the following:
1) Throwing and Jumping (field events such as discus, shot put, hurdles, long jump and high jump for track and field) Students who wish to throw must compete in shot and discus and one running event.  Students who do field events also have to compete in a running event
2) Speed running (100, 200, 400 meters and 4×100, 4×400 relay for track and field) Times for the 100 need to be under 15.5 seconds. For the 200, times need to be under 35 seconds. For the 400, times need to be at or below 1:18.  For the 800, times need to be at or below 2:55.  For the 1600, runners should be hitting the 6:15 mark.
3) Mid-distance speed running (800 meter and 4×800 relay for track and field) A good 800 time for competition is around 2:55 or under.
4) Distance speed for the 1600-meter race for track and field with the goal of a 6-minute mile or less is good.  If a runner is around 6:15, that is good too.  We are looking for sub-6-minute miles for the 1600.
Tryouts for track and field will last four days. All runners, no matter what event, will need to run a mile.  Timed races will also be part of the process. Those who only wish to throw shot and disc—both events must be done together—must complete a ‘core challenge’ which includes planking, throwing, and tire flips (at the track if the tire is there) to demonstrate strength. Throwers will also need to compete in one running event.  Students who are walking excessively, not following directions, not completing workouts, and not committed to task will not make the team.
Students will be told in person if they did not make the team or by email if they prefer. They will be told what to improve on as well.
The best thing you can do prior to any running sport is to start RUNNING. Start off by setting a goal of running one mile without stopping. You can achieve this by consistently training six days a week. It is best to begin with a run/walk workout. Transition to more running once you feel confident with your endurance. If you can get to the track at Enfield High or the Annex, walk a lap and then run a lap. Four laps equal a mile. Eventually, you will be able to run all four laps with consistent practice and commitment to task. To build speed, run 100, 200, and 400 meter sprints and walk in between each sprint as a recovery.
Running in advance prior to track and field seasons will help immensely with your endurance and confidence.  It is best to start consistent training two months prior to track and field.
There are thirteen events in middle school track and field.  The track is a standard 400 meter oval.  The coaching staff reserves the right to place athletes in the events they feel will benefit the team and be a better fit for the athlete.
Proper running shoes are required.  Spikes are good for running events with quarter inch spikes.  Dress for the weather.  Spring can be cold and then hot.  It tends to be windy at the Annex.  It is your responsibility to know what the weather will be, and since you all have cell phones, well, there you go!  No excuses.  There is no water fountain at the Annex so BYOW.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
1600 Meter (4 laps)
800 Meter (2 laps)
400 Meter (1 lap)
200 Meter
100 Meter
4 X100 Meter relay
4 X 400 Meter relay
4 X 800 Meter relay
55 Meter hurdles
Long Jump
High Jump
Shotput (6 pounds girls/8.8 pounds boys)
Discus (2 KM for both girls and boys)
2024 Meet Schedule is subject to change.   
Meets will most likely commence around 4 PM depending upon our arrival.  We will be leaving JFK around 2:36 PM.  Students can leave items in the locker rooms or bring everything with them depending on their comfort level.  We hope that a bus will be available for our meets. Athletes should bring a cell phone with them so they can call with an ETA back to JFK.  Pick-ups will be at JFK most likely at the auditorium entrance in the back of the school.  
Tryouts will start on March 25th.  There is no practice on March 29th (Good Friday) or April 2nd (early release).  There will be no practice during our April break (April 8-12th).  There is no practice on April 24th (early release) or May 22nd (early release).  Only those who qualify for states will continue practices after our last meet on May 17th.  Uniforms will be collected upon return to JFK on May 17th.  We will wash them.  State qualifiers will keep their uniforms. 
JFK Track and Field information 
All student-athletes need to register via FINALFORMS.  The web address below will assist you in this process.  There are THREE STEPS clearly indicated on the following page:
The page is REGISTER FOR ATHLETICS on Enfieldathletics.com.
The important piece is an up-to-date physical!  If it is not current by the time tryouts commence, you cannot participate. 
On my end, the FINALFORMS page for student-athletes has icons that need to be in the GREEN to qualify for tryouts:
  • Forms signed by the student.
  • Forms signed by the parent. 
  • Physical up-to-date or about to expire.
There are fifteen (15) online forms that must be reviewed by the student-athlete and parent.  On my end, they are under the appellation of Students Form Status.
The participation fee can wait until student-athletes qualify for the team.  That will remain in the RED until confirmed by our athletic director.
Students SHOULD NOT USE their school email as they will not get notifications from the coaching staff through the Final Forms email blasts because of district firewalls.  All communication to parents/guardians and students will be through Final Forms.  There will be no Microsoft TEAMs page as two communication platforms are redundant.  
Registrations will not be accepted after the first day of tryouts since ample time was given to register and to amend any issues with physicals and/or medication issues. 
If you have registered for another sport at JFK via Final Forms, your registration WILL NOT automatically transfer to track and field!  You must select track and field via Final Forms.
If there are problems registering, please email our athletic director Mr. Cory O’Connell at [email protected].
Best in running, jumping, and throwing.
Coach Zawodniak
[email protected]
JFK Track and Field Rules
  • You are a student first and foremost.  You must maintain a C- average for all seven classes.  This is a district-wide rule. If any teacher contacts the coaching staff with an academic concern, we reserve the right to enforce an academic probation period until that grade or grades improve.  This could mean missed practices and meets until grades improve. You will be placed on academic probation if you have a D or an F.  If you have more than one F, you will not be allowed to participate in practices or meets until those grades are above a D. Parents/guardians are encouraged to check PowerSchool regularly.
  • Practices and meets are mandatory. We practice Monday through Friday from 3:00 until 4:30 PM at the Annex Track. If you incur two unexcused absences in a week, you will be dismissed from the team.  If you incur one unexcused absence a week for three weeks, you will be dismissed from the team.  (We assume if you are not attending consistently that you have lost interest in the team.)  If you miss a meet without a valid excuse, you will be dismissed from the team.  Detentions and suspension—each day of a suspension will be considered unexcused– are considered unexcused absences and will be tallied accordingly.  You must attend practice the day before a meet if you want to participate in that meet.  The only exceptions would be if you are physically absent  from school or a nurse dismissal due to  health reasons.  You also must participate in P.E. class as well.
  • You are permitted one excused absence from practice for a family event during the season. We will need prior notice in the form of a note so we can keep track of your attendance.
  • If you are absent from school, excused from school due to an illness, or have a family emergency, please let us know ASAP and bring in a note or email us. This will not count against you in terms of our attendance policy.  We understand that life happens.
  • If you participate in another sport or activity, we cannot prevent you from doing this. But if your other activities interfere with track and field to the point where you miss practice and events during meets, you will be dismissed from the team. 
  • Sportsmanship is always a must. Profanity, bullying, rude behavior, negativity, disrespectfulness to others such as spectators or officials, cheating, and inflicting injury will not be tolerated.  All incidents of this matter will be handled by the coaching staff and possibly administration to determine the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be dismissed from the team immediately.
  • If you require extra help from one of your teachers on a day when we have practice at the track, or you are part of an after school musical group, please inform us ASAP and give us a note from that teacher. This will be an excused academic absence and will not count against you.  If possible, you can still attend practice at the track if you are able to be transported to the Annex Track via your parent/guardian. (If not, then you will need to work out on your own and bring us a signed note from your parents/guardians describing your workout.)
  • If you have a school-related activity that takes you away from practice, you must inform us ASAP. We know some of you might be involved in different academic/musical groups that have practices, contests, and concerts during the spring. However, meet days take priority over after-school activities. Practice takes priority over after school clubs. 
  • If you have made the team but are not showing progress during practice, i.e., walking during a workout or not putting forth effort and/or refusing workouts, the coaching staff reserves the right to switch your event(s) or have you sit out meets if we feel you are not ready for competition. If the problem persists, you may be released from the team.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS—Parents can watch the last ten minutes of practice only. We highly encourage you to attend our meets and support your child and our team.  No parents or guardians are allowed on the infield at any time during a meet or practice. 
AFTER PRACTICE PICK UP MUST BE PROMPT!  Your ride should be at the Annex practice at or before 4:30 PM.
The reasons for these rules are simple: commitment and consistency bring about positive results.  The more you practice, the better you will become.  Intermittent attendance will not only adversely affect your performance but will most likely get you dismissed from the team.  We expect you to work hard every day, try your best, and have fun.  Your teammates are counting on you.  We are counting on you.  Work hard each practice to go beyond what you expect from yourself.  Remember, notes for absences are mandatory for our records.  If you do not bring in a note for an excused absence, it will then turn into an unexcused absence.  We will not ‘chase’ you for absent notes.  It is your responsibility!
JFK Athletics—Welcome to your first experience with interscholastic sports!
Welcome to JFK Middle School! We have several competitive sports that run throughout the year.  They are as follows:
Fall sports—Girls Field Hockey, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Girls and Boys Cross Country
Winter Sports—Girls Basketball and Boys Basketball
Spring Sports—Girls Softball, Boys Baseball, Girls and Boys Track and Field
A very important website for you to become familiar with is https://enfieldathletics.com/sports/   Go all the way to the right and find the JFK MIDDLE SCHOOL tab in red with all our programs.  Click on the sport you are interested in to find out information pertaining to that program.
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you come to tryouts prepared.  For soccer, basketball, softball, and baseball, you need to have that sport’s specific skill sets ready to go.  For field hockey, you will need to be ready to learn what that sport has to offer.  For cross country and track and field, make sure you have been running at least two months ahead of time.  Coming to tryouts conditioned gives you the endurance and confidence you need to succeed.   
All perspective athletes need to have an up-to-date physical on file with our school nurses.  This is required to try out.  Parents/guardians need to follow up to ensure the physical is at school.  It is better to hand in the paperwork than to rely on a fax that may or may not come on time.  Perspective athletes who have an inhaler and/or Epi Pen must have a self-administer order on file with our school nurses.  These medications need to be always carried on their person when participating in sports.  Please invest in a durable waist pack for them.
To register for a specific sport at JFK, you need to visit https://enfieldathletics.com/register-for-athletics/   The registration portal we use is called Final Forms.  There are electronic forms for student and parent/guardian to complete.  Your child’s physical must be current.  The nurses will enter the updated physicals onto Final Forms.  Coaches will see green icons for completed tasks and red icons for incomplete tasks.  The $ icon will not turn green until your participation fee is paid once your child makes a team.  Make sure you register for a JFK sport and not and Enfield High sport!  The directions will be on this page.  Just click on the Final Forms link to get started!  If you need help, this link will explain how to register:
  • All sports practice Monday through Friday until 4:30 PM. (Track and Field is transported to the Annex in the spring, and parent pick up is at the Annex).  Parent/guardians must pick up their child at 4:30 PM each day of practice.  Pick up is at our auditorium entrance in the back.
  • We have home and away games and meet against other schools. Buses will take us to our away games and meets and back to JFK.  Please make sure your child has a phone so they can let you know the ETA back to JFK.
  • You cannot play two JFK sports within the same season.
  • You will receive a uniform that must be returned at the conclusion of the season.
  • If you play a travel sport, make sure it does not interfere with your JFK sport.
  • District policy states that you must maintain an overall C- average to participate in any interscholastic sport.
  • There is a participation fee of $100 if you make the team. If you are on free and reduced lunch, please contact our athletic director Cory O’Connell to let him know. His email is [email protected]
  • Contact your perspective coach if you have any questions.
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