The Enfield Public Schools Athletic Department is pleased that you are interested in athletics at JFK Middle or Enfield High School and  we hope it is an enjoyable experience for you. 


Enfield Public School’s Athletic Department is committed to the educational development of students and feels that a properly controlled, well-organized, sports program will meet the student’s needs of self-expression, mental alertness, and physical development.  It is our hope that all student-athletes will learn the value of goal setting, sportsmanship, citizenship, and self-reliance.  Additionally, the student-athlete should come to understand the importance of self-discipline and hard work in attaining success. 


Athletes are selected for varsity, junior varsity, freshman or middle school teams based on their demonstrated abilities, academic focus, and commitment to positiviely representing our community.  Students who choose to participate in athletics are making a choice that requires self-discipline.  Consequently, we place a strong emphasis on good training habits.  Failure to comply with training rules can affect an athlete’s performance and contribution to the team.  Students who do not adhere to these training rules will be jeopardizing their participation in the program.  Students should be aware that involvement in athletics is a privilege, not a right.   


Enfield Public Schools takes great pride in the success of its athletic program, both on and off the fields of play.  We invite you to become an integral part of Enfield’s athletic family.  Remember, student-athletes are role models for others and consequently, should set a good example for others. 




Cory O’Connell 


Cory O’Connell 

Director of Athletics 

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